Home Radio Show Podcasts How to Simplify Your Life: The Art of Downsizing

How to Simplify Your Life: The Art of Downsizing

Kristen Christian: Bee Organized

Kristen Christian joins Suzanne to talk about Bee Organized, a passionate company that helps people go from chaos to calm, and have seen many lives transformed through the process. Whether it’s home organization, moving, remodeling, downsizing, rightsizing, or concierge services, delegate the details to the Bees.

Downsizing is a matter of math, but it’s hard because we have a relationship with our stuff. Is it valuable — monetarily or from a sentimental point of view — or is it truly just junk that’s piling up? Once something comes into our home, it’s not just stuff, it becomes ”our” stuff.

Downsizing can be an art. Use it as an opportunity to curate what you’re bringing into the rest of your life. Craft an environment that supports you and brings out the best in you.

Kristen Christian is co-founder of Bee Organized and the Chief Marketing Officer of Bee Organized Enterprises. Launched in 2015 with the sole desire to help simplify lives, today the Kansas City-based headquarters has Bee Hives in Dallas, Denver, Houston, North Houston, Miami, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Orlando, Palm Beach, Portland, Rhode Island, San Diego, San Francisco, Scottsdale and Seattle.

Learn more at Bee Organized. Visit their What They Do page to sign up for their Buzz Tips newsletter and find the location nearest you, or listen to an earlier podcast from Bee Organized.