Health and Wellness

Home Health and Wellness Page 12
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Get Hydrated, Get Healthy

One of the more important parts of nutrition and physical wellness is hydration. How many of us don't drink enough water? Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about proper hydration.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Stop Eating C-R-A-P For Better Nutrition

Nutrition and vitality go hand in hand. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about nutrition, part of physical wellness, which is a pillar of the eight foundational principles of wellness, part of the summer Vitality Revolution podcast series.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Get Moving, Even For Five Minutes

Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about physical wellness, a pillar of the eight foundational principles of wellness, part of the summer Vitality Revolution podcast series.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Caregivers: You Deserve Some Self-Care

Caregivers deserve some time for self-caring. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about some ways to help care partners from becoming overtaxed and burning out.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

4 Steps to Feel Better Emotionally

Are you where you want to be at your age? If not, what are some strategies to improve? Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to provide three key ways we can improve how we feel emotionally. 1) Move your body; 2) Have gratitude; 3) Journal positivity; and 4) Try new things.