Health and Wellness

Home Health and Wellness Page 3

Dementia: Environmental Red Flags

Allyson Schrier, founder and CEO of Zinnia TV, joins Suzanne to talk about things in the environment to be mindful of for a loved one who has dementia or Alzheimer's. Environmental wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, a focus of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
home health options

Communicating Better With Dementia Patients

Allyson Schrier joins Suzanne to talk about how a brain with dementia works differently, and how to change our approach for communicating with someone with dementia. Allyson realized that slower-paced visuals, with music instead of words, or with the words captioned, would be easier for those with Alzheimer's to engage with. Creating an environment that supports us is part of environmental wellness, one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, a focus this month for the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

The Silent Strain: Environmental Problems in Family Caregiving

The environmental problems in family caregiving are often invisible yet impactful.
Downsizing for the future

Plotting a Road Map For Rightsizing

Founder and CEO of Real Estate 55 Plus Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about more than 70 unique services that her company can provide, including estate sale services, that helps determine a road map for seniors, many of which are rightsizing into a new home.
Home maintenance

Home Maintenance Tips to Help Age in Place

Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about home maintenance, which not only keeps a senior safe, it can defer expenses, or increase the value of our home. Maintaining a home can help seniors aging in place in their homes for as long as they can.
Fall Prevention

Easy Tips to Prevent Falling at Home

Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about home safety, and a key aspect of this for seniors is fall prevention. Being injured in a fall is the number one reason seniors aren't able to go back their homes and live independently.

Will Your Home Support You As You Age?

Juli Anne Gibson talks aging in place and downsizing, about being able to recreate a space for seniors that feels like home. This episode kicks off the topic of environmental wellness: surrounding yourself with an environment that brings you joy; being in an environment that supports you; living sustainably and being mindful of the world we live in. This is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, featured as part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Make a Senior Smile

Take Time to Make a Senior Smile

Tonya Hilson at CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to talk about how we can do better with our seniors to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Tonya says, "If they still have a pulse and a heartbeat, they want to still have you near them, whether they remember you or not. I would love to see people take the time to make a senior smile."
Tips on Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

Tips on Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

Lori Hutson joins Suzanne to talk about honoring thyself, living your core values, as well as not overcommitting, not giving up yourself for someone else, being intentional with our lives, respecting boundaries, and knowing when to say no. These are aspects of both spiritual and intellectual wellness, two of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured as part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Having a Healthy Brain As We Age

Having a Healthy Brain As We Age

Lori Hutson joins Suzanne to talk about brain health, particularly focusing on changes that result from normal aging. This is an aspect of intellectual wellness, featured as part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.