Seniors who are moving into a smaller home or a retirement facility need a real estate agent involved. Seniors Real Estate Specialists (SRESs) are specifically qualified to address the needs of home buyers and sellers over age 50.
The certification of SRES prepares realtors to anticipate the various financial and emotional needs of a senior move, which can be stressful. They are more aware of ideal properties; or modifications necessary to a specific property that will accommodate seniors’ changing health and mobility issues over time.
SRESs are familiar with how to use specific financial assets to purchase a home:
- a 401(k) or IRA
- taxes that are associated with this type of purchase
Often, an SRES works with a small network of trusted senior specialists, and can refer
- an Elder Law Attorney
- a contractor specialized in accessibility remodels
- design
- an appropriate retirement home
- external materials such as ramps and rails
The SRES designation is received after completing an intensive education course. The Realtor must:
- be in good standing with the National Association of Realtors
- attend specified training and complete a two-day course
- pass a comprehensive exam with a score over 80%.
Know as much as possible about the financial condition of your senior:
- Cash for a down payment on a new home
- Initial fees required for independent/retirement living
- Dollars to hire help for sorting/selling/discarding, etc. of items
- What condition is the mortgage:
- paid off
- payments being made and are current
- second mortgage
- reverse mortgage
- Health attributes much to real estate decisions. What is the future prognosis?
- Describe specific physical/mental/emotional needs forcing the downsize/move.
- Define the optimal timing of the move.
- What resources are available for the move?
- Look for one in good standing with the National Association of Realtors and SRES Council.
- How many years in business? How long has the business focused on seniors?
- How many senior moves have been conducted? Please describe them.
- Describe the marketing plan to be used for my parents home.
- Describe the home modifications/improvements recommended to generate top dollar.
- Provide 3 referrals.
- Describe your associated network. How will this benefit the process?
Real Estate Radio Show Segments
- Tips to Facilitate a Senior Home Sale, Part 4
Suzanne is joined by Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services (Sell a Senior Home), to talk about how to best facilitate a home sale with a loved one who is there with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Previous segments have talked about the journey leading up to mom or dad leaving, not trying to pack up the home while they’re still living there, finding a good place for them to move, and having the legal paperwork in order, as well as surrounding yourself with experienced professionals.
Rebecca says now it’s time for you as the caregiver to delegate the home sale. “The important thing is not to bite off more than you can chew as far as getting the home ready for market. Your first and most important job, that really no one else can do as well as you, is being that power of attorney and caregiver for your loved one. Other people can work on the house, and you don’t necessarily have to have the house be like HGTV in order to sell it. If it’s clean, if it’s empty, if there’s not major repairs to be done, it’s okay if you have pink tile in the bathroom, it’s okay if you have avocado counters in the kitchen, it’s okay if you have a shag rug in the family room. The house will still sell. Save your energy and strength, because you need it for the long haul of being the caregiver and power of attorney.
“We love saying to the family, we’ve got the house sale. We’ll take it from here. So we come in, and we bring in experienced professional downsizers who can sort through all of the things in the home, set aside those sentimental things like photos, and letters, and photo albums, and yearbooks, and wedding dresses, itemize the things that can be monetized to help pay for mom or dad’s care, and empty out the home. Then, we’re a licensed general contractor, so we can come in and do some light updates, or repairs, or a big renovation to help the home sell for top value. Once again, we’re not doing this with the help of the son or daughter. We don’t want them to have to take that on — we’re doing this for them. They can be in another state, another country — they’ve delegated this to us.
“Because SASH was designed to be a service that specifically takes care of the needs of seniors and their families, we started providing cash advances over a decade ago. And so we give the family a cash advance on the future net proceeds of mom or dad’s home sale, sometimes $10,000, $45,000, up to $75,000, and even more. It doesn’t require any credit check. We arrange for it, so it’s not coming up on anyone’s credit, and we want to provide that solution so they can just focus on their role as caregiver for mom or dad, and then hand the home sale over to us. So I always say, build a team of professionals around you who know what they’re doing.
“Moving is a huge mental and emotional adjustment for your loved one, and you’re best served being there for them, not to be out painting walls. One of the things that I always tell caregivers is, “Sometimes you just have to sit down and breathe, take care of yourself.”
Learn more at SASH Services or call 888-400-7274. Also check out SASH’s resources at AFE’s website.
Lead image © Can Stock Photo / docent
- Tips to Facilitate a Senior Home Sale, Part 3
Suzanne is joined by Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services (Sell a Senior Home), to talk about how to best facilitate a home sale with a loved one who is there with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Rebecca says,“Don’t start packing up the house and putting things in boxes while mom or dad is still living there. Give them the comfort of the familiarity of their own home the way they’ve always loved it. Avoid having them sitting with confusion, disorientation, and anxiety. Over and over again, they’ll have trauma and shock: what is happening to my home? Let it remain the safe, comfortable, and familiar place.”
Rebecca shares stories from a good move and a bad move. “We just were assisting a family. Mom has early onset Alzheimer’s, and they found a place for her that is run by caregivers who actually speak her language. English isn’t her first language. They’re serving food that she grew up with, and they even speak the same dialect of the same language. Her family took a lot of care, they interviewed, they toured, they took their time. They were looking at a lot of different places, and they found a place where it is comfortable for mom. That was a well-done placement.
“We are also helping another family where mom has dementia. The power of attorney went to a place, but didn’t vet it properly. Mom wasn’t examined properly. A lot of quick decisions were made. It was just assisted living. Her first night there, she walked out the front door and walked ten blocks by herself before she was finally found and picked up. It could have been disastrous, and the family had to hurry up and find the right kind of place for her. It was a second move, really disruptive, and traumatic for Mom.”
“Work instead on finding that new place for mom and dad, and the placement of where to find that place for mom and dad to live is so important. You want to really take the time to do that well. Find the right place for them to move into, and then bring those familiar things over, and decorate their new place with it. Let their familiar surroundings follow them. Bring the photos, and the favorite quilt, and the favorite armchair, and the American flag that sits over there, their entertainment center, and get all of that set up.
“I even had one client whose furniture was covered with gray tape. She was so frugal that she gray-taped her furniture. And when I moved her, she brought all of her gray-taped furniture with her. That was what was most familiar, and I wasn’t going to object. So let them bring the things that are familiar, and worn, and loved, and comforting, and really take the time to make sure the placement is appropriate for their care needs and their financial needs.”
Learn more at SASH Services or call 888-400-7274. Also check out SASH’s resources at AFE’s website.
Lead image © Can Stock Photo / monkeybusiness
- Tips to Facilitate a Senior Home Sale, Part 2
Suzanne is joined by Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, to provide encouragement, guidance, and tips for families selling the senior home of a loved one.
First: get your legal paperwork in order. Rebecca says, “We can’t emphasize it enough. People do not want to have these conversations, because it means that there’s gonna come a time when you’re very competent, bright, active, athletic, very sharp mom or dad can’t make decisions for themselves anymore. Nobody wants to imagine that possibility. But when families don’t get those documents in place, then they get caught in crises where somebody needs to be making the decisions and no one has the authority to do so.
“I’m working with a family right now where the son lives out of state. Mom was declining, he had her power of attorney ready, he sent it to me in an email. We got it recorded with the county. He was able to sign papers for his mom two days later to get her house sold. There was no scramble, there was no stress, and we were able to begin and get funds in for her care immediately. Contrast that with another client I took care of this year, where there wasn’t a power of attorney. His wife is on the house’s title, but she never signed a power of attorney over to her husband, and now had dementia. He couldn’t sell his home because no one could sign for her, and he had to go through three months of a legal conservatorship through the court just to sell his own home. So, that’s the difference between having those papers prepared and not.”
Second: “If mom or Dad are going to be in the home while the house is getting ready for sale, choose professionals to come in and help your family through this journey who are experienced and understand the delicacy of talking to someone who has advancing dementia or Alzheimer’s. You don’t want someone just barreling in, just because they have a real estate license, and talking about things that are going to cause anxiety and send the person with dementia into a disorientation, into an emotional tailspin, confusing them. This needs a very delicate touch, and it requires experience, empathy, and knowing how to navigate around those big decisions while mom or dad are there, and how to take the important things out of earshot or out of sight. I helped a couple recently, and I knew that she would forget who I was after our visit. I’d visit again and talk to her husband, and she would introduce herself to me over and over on each successive visit, even though we saw each other 30 or 40 times over the course of a few months. I just gently said hello, it’s great to see you. How is your day going? I just smiled, brought a smile to her face. I didn’t try to make her remember me. I’m just there to help her feel comfortable and at ease.
“For families that are choosing a real estate agent, vet them offsite first. Meet at a Starbucks or a local restaurant, have coffee, talk to them, ask them what is your philosophy of caring for people who have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Find out how they talk about it, see how their inner-personal skills are, before bringing them into the home where mom or dad is, and see you know how they act around those topics. Also, ask about their experience, how many times have they been involved with a situation like this, and find out if they’re experienced. Other elder care providers might be able to give a reference to the real estate agent that is sensitive to that.”
Learn more at SASH Services or call 888-400-7274. Also check out SASH’s resources at AFE’s website.
Lead image © Can Stock Photo / DarrenBaker
- Tips to Facilitate a Senior Home Sale, Part 1
Suzanne is joined by Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services (Sell a Senior Home), to provide tips, guidance, and encouragement for families that may have a concern about the care of a senior loved one who has progressive dementia or Alzheimer’s and can no longer take care of themselves anymore. Their home is usually their biggest asset to pay for round-the-clock care that mom or dad needs.
Families find themselves in an intense situation. The caregiver has to manage mom’s finances, mom’s care — where is she going to move to? What level of care does she need? Doctor’s appointments? And we’ve got this home that she’s lived in for 50 years, it’s full, it hasn’t been ready for market. How in the world are we gonna do this?
Rebecca says, “I’m working with a family right now where their loved one has dementia and it’s $15,000 a month for around-the-clock care in their home. That is a lot of money. Even if you own your home outright, with that expense you can burn through all the equity in your home in just a couple of years. Financially, it doesn’t make sense to stay at home. And then there’s the safety element: The stove is left on, the doors are left open or unlocked, there’s electrical hazards, there’s fall risks. And family members are going and checking on mom every day, and they’re starting to be so frazzled because of the stress of knowing that mom or dad is in an unsafe environment, and they have just reached that point where it’s time to get mom or dad into a place of care. And, well, we’re gonna have to sell the home to pay for it. And this is where they call us.
“We’ve got lots of tips and guidelines that we can get into in our next segment, and we just want to be here for you, give you valuable information, support, and this is all based on my years of experience of doing this day in and day out.”
Learn more at SASH Services or call 888-400-7274. Also check out SASH’s resources at AFE’s website.
Lead image © Can Stock Photo / comzeal
- Eight Tips for Selling Your Home in a Changing Market, Part 4
Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, summarizes her eight tips to make your home sale more successful in a changing real estate market. See her previous segments in this hour for details about each of the tips.
People have seen price reductions and seeing a 45-day period to sell their home after the crazy seller’s market. Recently in the Pacific northwest, about 1,900 homes were new listings, while 2,100 reduced their price and 400+ canceled the listings. Your broker should bring this sort of data tailored to your specific local market, and their communication skills are of paramount importance. Homes sell every week of the year, every season, every economic cycle. If you didn’t list in the spring in summer, you don’t have to wait till next year. You can list on Thanksgiving. Rebecca once listed a house on December 23rd and got seven offers before the end of the year.
You can still have a successful sale if you follow the tips: 1) Presentation matters. 2) Study your competition. 3) Price in the sweet spot. 4) Broken should have a multifaceted marketing plan. 5) Interview potential real estate brokers. 6) Buyers can ask for concessions. 7) The best offer usually comes during the first week. 8) Be collaborative with potential buyers.
Find SASH Services at or, or call 888-400-SASH.
Lead image © Can Stock Photo / rmarmion
- Eight Tips for Selling Your Home in a Changing Market, Part 3
Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, provides more tips to make your home sale more successful. Sellers should expect these things in a changing real estate market.
6) It’s OK for buyers to ask for concessions such as help with closing costs now that interest rates are rising. Buyers can ask for inspections and for repairs to be made prior to closing. Appraisal work orders are being seen now, all normal. Also, contingent sales — allowing extra closing time for the buyer to sell their home and lease options may come up. No seller should take offense; these are normal concessions.
7) The best offer usually comes during the first week. You will have the most traffic your first week. Don’t wait for a better one; don’t scare away the only buyer you have now in hopes of getting a different one, though you should encourage negotiation and multiple offers.
8) Take good care of your potential buyers. When you have one or two potential buyers, you want to be friendly, accommodating, and flexible. You both want to close the sale, so collaborate to tackle and solve obstacles together.
Hear some general market statistics and a summary of Rebecca’s tips in our next segment. Find SASH Services at or, or call 888-400-SASH.
- Eight Tips for Selling Your Home in a Changing Market, Part 2
Continuing from part 1, SASH Services founder Rebecca Bomann provides more tips to make your home sale more successful in a changing real estate market.
2) Study your competition. Look at who is listing their home now, how are they priced, how do they compare to your home. Swipe through photos on real estate apps.
3) Price your home in the sweet spot: not so high that nobody comes to see it, not so low that you feel you left money on the table. Pick your sale price one or two days before listing, not earlier. Buyers are very well educated, can easily check comparative prices on their phones, can tell if a house is priced too high, or how many price drops you’ve had. Don’t base it on what your neighbor got six months ago; it must be priced based on current market data. If you get a lot of activity the first week, it’s priced right. If you have no offers after a few weeks, then it’s priced too high and it should be reduced 3-5 percent. The market never lies.
4) Have a multifaceted marketing plan. You can’t just put it on the market and expect a flood of offers. Your real estate broker needs to earn their commission: Host 2-3 open houses the first week, some in twilight hours for people just off work; make gorgeous flyers on nice paper to show pride of ownership; make excellent video or virtual tours; promote online on social media and in real estate apps to drive traffic.
5) Interview potential real estate brokers. Research who you’re going with. How do they showcase other listings? Don’t just pick your nephew because they’re related. There’s so much at stake when the proceeds are going to fund your care for the rest of your life — you don’t want to leave money on the table.
Hear more tips in our next segment. Find SASH Services at or, or call 888-400-SASH.
- Eight Tips for Selling Your Home in a Changing Market, Part 1
The real estate has shifted since May. You can still enjoy a successful change in your home sale, but a few expectations have changed. Since the pandemic in March 2020, it’s been a frenzied seller’s market with high sale prices and multiple offers. You can always count on the market changing, and now the market is leveling to become less lopsided. 18% yearly appreciation, having to make offers on multiple homes, waiving inspections, waiving appraisals, non-refundable earnest money, with little inventory available for sale is not a sustainable situation. It was fun for sellers for a couple of years, but a balanced market where buyers have some leverage is a more stable market.
Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, provides tips to make your home sale more successful in a changing real estate market. You can still sell a home within a few days, but you need to follow our tips to make that happen. The first tip: Presentation matters. During the seller’s market, you’d see sellers leaving garbage cans out in front of the house and brokers taking dark, fuzzy photos. Today, sellers need to present a clean, well-lit, uncluttered home. Put your home in its Sunday best. Pack up or sell some of the things you don’t need because it will photograph better, and insist on professional photography. You don’t have to do all the work yourself. SASH Services can take care of the hard work, the downsizing, sprucing up, and moving parts so you can just worry about moving into your new destination. Hear more tips in the next segments.
Find SASH Services at or, or call 888-400-SASH.
Lead image © Can Stock Photo / Feverpitched
- How Unscrupulous Family Members Exploit Seniors
This hour focuses on the major ways that senior homeowners can be taken advantage of through the process of selling their home. This final segment may surprise some listeners — one of the biggest sources of folks to take advantage of seniors are their own family members. The family should be there, advocating and having a loved one’s best interests in mind, but that’s not always the case. Some of the worst offenses come from their own family. Suzanne is joined by Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, who provides some real examples and a couple of takeaways from this topic.
Click to learn more about Rebecca Bomann and SASH Services.
- How Unscrupulous Real Estate Agents Exploit Seniors
This segment elaborates on ways that seniors can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous real estate agents. Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, joins Suzanne to discuss this topic. Rebecca has a lot of respect for her fellow agents, and there are a lot of really good real estate professionals in this industry. But like any industry, there are a few who are incompetent, insensitive, unscrupulous, or don’t know how to address the special needs of senior home owners. Because they come in as a professional, with their license and business card, sometimes seniors don’t think they need to be vetted and assume everything they do is above board. Unfortunately this isn’t always true. Rebecca describes a few ways real estate agents can take advantage of a senior or be harmful to them in the sale of their home. Also, she provides advice for choosing a good agent, to interview multiple agents and make them earn your trust, and that a good broker explains everything you’re signing.
Click to learn more about Rebecca Bomann and SASH Services.
- How Unscrupulous Home Flippers & Investors Exploit Seniors
This segment describes ways that unscrupulous house flippers and investors can take advantage of seniors. They’re looking to get deals, to purchase a property for less than market value. But if you’re 80 years old, hard of hearing, with family living out of town, and a flipper visits you using some of these strategies, it’s disgraceful. Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, joins Suzanne to describe various ways house flippers try to take advantage of seniors, as well ways to offset this and protect yourself from these tactics.
Click to learn more about Rebecca Bomann and SASH Services.
- How Unscrupulous Home Sellers Exploit Seniors
This hour focuses on ways that senior homeowners can be taken advantage of during the process of selling their home. This is the sale of their biggest asset to be able to pay for their care for the rest of their life, which they may have lived in for many decades, and the biggest financial transaction of their retirement years. Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, joins Suzanne to delve into this important topic for senior homeowners as well as their family members and caregivers.
Everyone who knows a senior and has a senior loved one in their life will want to pay attention. We think it’s important for people to know that this is a possibility, that folks can be vulnerable to this. We’ll talk about ways that this can happen and how it can be prevented, with specific examples. The next segments focus on incidents that can happen specifically with home flippers & investors, real estate agents, and even family members. Click to learn more about Rebecca Bomann and SASH Services.
- Tips For When a Parent Moves: How Should Money Be Spent?
How should money be spent during a senior loved one’s move? It’s very emotional and sensitive time, with parents and their adult children having different perspectives and agendas.
Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, and Suzanne Newman talk about these perspectives. Adult children are worried about the parents’ money lasting long enough for their care. They worry that they might have to mortgage their own home in a few years to pay for their Mom’s care. Unless parents have set aside a nest egg, it’s a concern because the cost of care is so high that proceeds from a home sale might only pay for care for a handful of years. Sometimes they don’t want their parent to sell the home because they expect that home to be there for them when their loved one passes away.
Meanwhile, what’s best for Mom in her situation? She’s alone, doesn’t see friends, needs social activities, needs medical care, the home has become too much to care for, and the home needs to be sold to fund further care. Sometimes mom intends to bequeath her home to her family, and she places her sense of duty above her own care.
- Tips For When a Parent Moves: Who Helps With Packing?
Who helps Mom through the sorting, packing and moving process? Everyone is well-meaning. Some Moms expect that their adult children will take four months’ leave from work to go through every box, glass, and cross-stitch, remembering back to when family did that for each other. Many of today’s adult children can’t imagine how they’d be able to take leave from their job, travel out of state, and pay for a flight to sort through decades of household items – they’re overwhelmed by that idea, and it causes tension in the relationship. Their perspective is that a professional downsizer could do that, as they’re often already handing their loved one’s paperwork and finances. Mom is stressed and feels she needs her children by her side during this challenging time and advocate for her – “what else could be more important than helping me through this major life event?” They feel hurt and abandoned when their child isn’t the one helping.
Some adult children want to help. Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, and Suzanne Newman provide their best advice: Don’t do it. Outsource it. Only do it if you want to throw a grenade into family relationships. Let professionals be the bad guy. Let them say you can’t take seven lamps to your new apartment, let them say your couch won’t fit in the new space, let them bring their strong backs and haul that china cabinet down the stairs.
This is an investment in the sale of the house, as an uncluttered house will sell for more money, and you’ll recoup the cost. Or the items could be sold to pay for movers and professionals.
How do you choose professionals for this process? Mom sees this as an overwhelming, scary, unknown process, so she wants people who will be nice to her, won’t judge her for the house’s condition, won’t scold her for not having kept up on the back yard maintenance, who are going to be kind and compassionate. So she decides based on comfort and familiarity, on how polite they are, even if those people are incompetent and don’t know how to pack glassware.
The pragmatic adult child — already the caregiver, bookkeeper, and overall emotional supporter — has a system. They ask friends for recommendations, get Google reviews, read websites, check social media, might call and ask prospective clients a list of questions. They take a clinical and systematic approach to finding someone competent and affordable to do the task.
Neither perspective is wrong – they’re both right. Rebecca recommends that adult children select a number of professionals, all of whom they’d be comfortable with hiring. Let Mom interview them and choose the one she likes best. This gives Mom dignity and agency — lets her own the decision — while helping her choosing from among the best candidates.
- Tips For When a Parent Moves: Their Pet
Adult children and their aging parents have wildly differing perspectives on moving. In this segment, Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, and Suzanne Newman talk about building a bridge to understanding each others’ perspectives when it comes to the senior loved one’s pet, which befuddles many adult children.
Adult children are thinking of a monthly budget, trying to make funds last as long as possible, and are concerned about how that’s affected by an animal’s daily care, walks, feeding, medication, and vet care. They think that Mom could have moved to one community for $3,500 a month, but she’s going to spend $2,000 a month more so she can keep her dog, and they have trouble understanding why. They think: why not go without the dog and spend less money?
Mom, however, sees the pet as a family member who gives joy, love, companionship, and comfort. Moving already means giving up everything else — home, neighborhood, rose bushes, vehicles, plants, porch. If moving means parting from my dog or cat, my heart will be broken, so I’m never moving.
Don’t fight parents on this – it is too important to your senior loved one.
Lead image: © Can Stock Photo / creatista
- Tips For When a Parent Moves: Household Items
When it’s time for a senior loved one’s downsizing, their adult children may not quite understand or relate to the parents’ perspective earned from living 50 years in their home as they see more pragmatic concerns about home repairs and time-consuming chores, and want to schedule moving deadlines based on available free time.
Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, and Suzanne Newman talk about how to do right by our parents while helping them transition from a long-standing residence in their home to senior living. Adult children have a much different perspective than their parents, and it often causes painful conflicts. Rebecca encourages each party to use empathy, compassion and understanding, take time to listen to each other’s perspectives so families can remain healthy after the stressful transition. Remember the big goal: it’s not about who gets the spoon collection.
Household items are a good example. Mom’s sees every item as having valuable memories, happy times, a reflection of the events in her life, and when she leaves, she wants to bequeath each item to a specific family member who will enthusiastically take it and appreciate it. Adult children see older items that they don’t have room for.
Use kind words to describe the belongings. These are collections, belongings, household items that are going to a new home, not “stuff” or “junk.” Encourage Mom to give items to displaced families, immigrants who have fled their countries, or women who have fled abusive situations — people who could really use Tupperware sets and lamps; donate these items to Habitat for Humanity, for example. Or maybe sell a few items to help buy new ones for the new apartment. Let senior loved ones talk about these items of significance.
This is not the time to say that we’ve heard the story before; we don’t have time to hear it again. Let them share — listen to the story — because it’s part of letting go.
- 12 Tips to Sell Your Home, Part 4
Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, joins Suzanne Newman to talk about tips to help get your house ready to be sold. Continuing from part 3, in this segment Rebecca shares two more low-cost suggestions to maximize your net proceeds at the end of the sale.
11. Add a fresh scent: Apple cinnamon or raspberry, with fragrances that aren’t plugged in chemicals that could trigger allergies, a bowl of pot pourri, providing a pleasant scent.
12. Leave while it’s listed. If you’re still living in the house, and have to make the bed, do dishes, and clean laundry before each showing, that keeps buyers waiting. Eight showings in a day means eight times to get ready. If at all possible, don’t be in the home during the first two weeks of the listing. This is the most active time of the listing. Rebecca sold a home yesterday that had 84 showings. Imagine being in your 70s or 80s and getting up and disrupted 84 times. Showings can be booked from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and if each one is 30 minutes long, that is 26 possible showings per day. If you limit times when prospective buyers can visit, you’re narrowing the buyer pool, and discouraging buyers from coming in. Stay with family, visit the grandchildren, or have a respite stay at a senior community. They’re affordable, safe, clean, and have people their age. They’ll also experience what it’s like. Some communities will let you move in early and defer fees until your house is sold. Also, there are affordable pet-friendly, air B&Bs with no stairs where you can book an extended stay. If I offered you $20,000 to stay away for two weeks, would you take it? That’s how much more you could make, or more. When you’re not there, you’re maximizing availability and opportunity, keeping your home show-ready the whole time.
SASH Services (Sell a Senior Home) was founded in 2005 as a blend of real estate, senior care, and social work to provide seniors and their families with home-sale options that are not typical, that are designed around their needs. They provide specialized services that lift the selling burden off the senior homeowner and their family while maximizing what can be earned from the home. SASH serves most of western Washington in the Pacific Northwest. If you’re out of state, they can steer you to a qualified professional in your area. Find more at the SASH Services website or call 888-400-SASH.
- 12 Tips to Sell Your Home, Part 3
Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, joins Suzanne Newman to talk about tips to help get your house ready to be sold. Continuing from part 2, in this segment Rebecca shares more low-cost suggestions to maximize your net proceeds at the end of the sale. Expenses can be paid for by following the tips from part 1.
7. Pressure wash the outside. You don’t have to repaint the exterior, but a light pressure washing will give it a bath, removing dust and cobwebs. Also, driveways, walkways, and stairs will remove moss and rocks. You can rent a pressure washer or have a professional do it. Don’t wash the room; it will take years off its life.
8. Buy a new welcome mat — a welcoming, modern mat for the front door.
9. Clean up the patio. Rececca has seen flower pots with dying plants, wind chimes, drink cups, potting soil, garden gnomes, umbrellas, and more. It’s important for people to see the yard as an extension of the house, like an outside living room, so dress it up just as well as the living room. Declutter and wash it. Leave two chairs and some fresh flowers nearby. Clean a BBQ.
10. Retro decor is OK. Sometimes people have older finishes in their home: dark paneling from the 70s, avocado counters, pink tile in bathrooms, or bright-colored carpets. People fear that they’ll have to renovate all that, but that’s a myth. We can make it look great and still get bidding wars, just by following the other tips. By not renovating, you’re appealing to people who want to do their own updating, and it will be priced less so more buyers can afford it. Right now, the market is such that it’s not profitable to renovate. People who appraise and finance your house don’t worry about its appearance, but rather things like the age of the roof, the condition of the furnace, and that there are no electrical hazards. It’s already stressful to move, so why add to that with the stress of doing renovations? If you only have a limited amount of money to spend, spend it on things that help a buyer qualify to buy it, so that it passes an inspection and appraises well.
SASH Services (Sell a Senior Home) was founded in 2005 as a blend of real estate, senior care, and social work to provide seniors and their families with home-sale options that are not typical, that are designed around their needs. They provide specialized services that lift the selling burden off the senior homeowner and their family while maximizing what can be earned from the home. SASH serves most of western Washington in the Pacific Northwest. If you’re out of state, they can steer you to a qualified professional in your area. Find more at the SASH Services website or call 888-400-SASH. Listen to part 4 for more tips.
- 12 Tips to Sell Your Home, Part 2
Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, joins Suzanne Newman to talk about tips to help get your house ready to be sold. Sometimes it seems too hard to stay and too hard to move. Wondering where to even begin? Continuing from part 1, in this segment Rebecca shares more low-cost suggestions to maximize your net proceeds at the end of the sale. Any expenses can be paid for by following the tips from Part 1.
3. Take down heavy drapes and window coverings. When you put a home on the market, you want to show off the view and allow natural light to come in, as it makes each room and the whole house feel bigger, more cheerful, welcoming and inviting. It makes a big difference.
4. Swap out old and low-watt bulbs for bright new ones. It avoids dark hallways and closets, at least 60 watt bulbs, so each room is well lit.
5. Remove family photos and paintings. When prospective buys see family photos, they feel like they’re intruding on your privacy. Leave two or three, but pack up the rest. It cleans, declutters, and makes rooms look bigger. Let a down-sizer explain the reasoning, while family members can be supportive. Acknowledge how special the home is, compliment all of the photos and art, while explaining that these photos and paintings will get packed for moving, so pack these items now, so prospective buyers will be able envision the home as it might be for them.
6. Do a professional deep cleaning. Let a professional do it. They will even clean the tops of doorways and ceiling fans, clean blinds, and get behind doors and fridges. A sparkly clean house will smell good.
SASH Services (Sell a Senior Home) was founded in 2005 as a blend of real estate, senior care, and social work to provide seniors and their families with home-sale options that are not typical, that are designed around their needs. They provide specialized services that lift the selling burden off the senior homeowner and their family while maximizing what can be earned from the home. SASH serves most of western Washington in the Pacific Northwest. If you’re out of state, they can steer you to a qualified professional in your area. Learn more at the SASH Services website or call 888-400-SASH, and listen to part 3 for more tips.
- 12 Tips to Sell Your Home, Part 1
Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, joins Suzanne Newman to talk about tips to help get your house ready to be sold. Rebecca has used these tips herself, helping hundreds of families. Whether you’re an empty-nester or looking for a senior loved one who’s lived in their house for 50 years, often a move seems like a mountain of a challenge.
These low-cost suggestions will maximize your net proceeds:
- Pack first. Everyone plans to bring most things when they move, but the mistake is waiting to pack till after photography and listing, which makes a house look full and prevents prospective buyers from envisioning their own belongings in your house. Pack prior to photography, as many things as you don’t need daily, putting it in the garage or a storage unit. Your house will show so much better.
- Sell some things. For people feeling pressured by the costs of getting everything ready, keep in mind some things probably won’t be moved into a new place. Some items won’t fit, or there’s an old record collection not listened to in decades, or maybe some World War II memorabilia in the attic. These items could be auctioned or sold in order to pay money for sprucing up the house. Even a few hundred or thousand raised help. And it helps empty the house for moving. A live garage sale, estate sales, online auction sites, and for sale apps. Learn more at the SASH Services website or call 888-400-SASH.