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A Senior Living Financial Aid Office

ElderLife Financial is a financial aid office for senior living, a one-stop shop to help families understand how to pay for long-term care.
Power of attorney

Financial Resources for Veteran Seniors

Emily Schwarz clarifies a number of common misconceptions people have about qualifying for veterans benefits.

Answering Veteran Fears: Paying for Senior Care

Emily Schwarz at ElderLife Financial says Veterans Benefits are the most underutilized way to pay for senior care.
Darol Tuttle

Asset Protection Planning Stories

Attorney Darol Tuttle shares a couple of stories that illustrate the essential need for asset protection planning.
Darol Tuttle

Asset Protection Planning Website

Attorney Darol Tuttle's asset protection website has several audio master classes on spousal protection trusts with an introductory class on the power of the law.
Darol Tuttle

Benefits of a Spousal Protection Trust

Asset protection attorney Darol Tuttle explains how a spousal protection trust will double your tax exemptions.
Darol Tuttle

Introducing Asset Protection Planning

Attorney Darol Tuttle joins Suzanne to talk about going beyond estate planning. Asset protection focuses on protecting your assets while you're still alive, to finance your retirement throughout your life, and to fund the retirement of your spouse.
Estate planning

People Needed for Your Estate Plan: Irrevocable Third-Party Trust

Listen in to learn about setting up your estate plan and the people needed to set up irrevocable third-party trusts, with elder law attorney Jim Koewler.

People Needed for Your Estate Plan: Revocable Trusts

Elder law attorney Jim Koewler joins Suzanne to talk about setting up your estate plan and the people needed to complete various documents. This segment covers revocable trusts.
Seniors signing forms

People Needed for Your Estate Plan: Wills

Elder law attorney Jim Koewler joins Suzanne to talk about your estate plan and the people needed to complete various documents, such as wills and living wills.